Monday, July 9, 2012

DVD Release

For the past month, I've been wanting to write - not on anything specific but more so because I enjoy reading and writing. So here I am. Life after graduation has flown by. I made plans to go to New York the week after "receiving" my diploma. Seven weeks have passed; I received my diploma and leave for New York in three days. Wow. Time really does fly by. I've been making a conscious effort to enjoy every moment that occurs during the infinite sunrises and sunsets. In order to maximize the efficiency of this daunting task, I've learned how to spend and save money. Every dollar earned does not mean every dollar must be spent. My rationale on money has slowly evolved after years spent in college. I'm not proud of my current habits, but that's what will drive me to be smarter about my money in the future. Being complacent means being okay with the status quo. I was complacent for too long. I started to workout again by buying a membership at XSport fitness. I quit smoking cigarettes because I know that my addiction was consuming my youth and money. I buy new clothes to update and sport my own style. I introduce my palette to interesting and different kinds of tastes. Not everything I have done in the past two months have been productive. Last night, I lost my self-control and face planted after leaving the bars. I gave myself a chipped tooth, an abrasion on my left forearm, three jammed knuckles and fingers, open cuts on my lip and right hand, and am now sporting 5 angry bird band aids to decorate my battle wounds. I am not proud of it, but I needed life to kick me in the ass. This isn't a rant to say I will quit drinking for the rest of my life. I know I will sip it once again, but I have come to realize that many of my problems become exasperated by alcohol. I do not want THINGS to control my life. By quitting the habit of smoking cigarettes, I removed myself from nicotine's tentacles. No matter how strong the temptation, I try my best to avoid it. I know that alcohol has to go, at least for the time being. I want to remind myself that alcohol's risks far outweigh its rewards. I wanted to write more, but I'm too tired to continue. My mind is cluttered with thoughts, but my injured body refuses me to let me write any longer. Life is beautiful. -Allen