Friday, August 6, 2010

Take 5

So Inception is definitely the best movie of this summer. I watched it for the second time and I enjoyed the little details that I forgot. The fight scenes were cooler. The foreshadowing was written all over it. It was amusing to watch The Chemist in the movie. I'll give you a hint - 7/11 funny. Now the best part was that I was spacing out at the end, already realizing what was about to happen and what already had happened in the movie. I continued to space out and then I came to my own realization. There was a time when I thought I really knew something. An idea that was solidified as fact. Religions are all based on leaps of faith. And at the end of our lives, someone will be there to say, "and we'll be together." That idea which makes you snap out of reality when you realize you're not actually at the end of your life, but only in the present reading this blog. Funny, huh? So the reality of it is that I thought was once between the godfather and the godson. With all the advising that took place, the godson realized he was not advised, but controlled. Controlled into pushing away the one thing he cherished the most - love. Fischer then believes what he should do next. And then ending plays out.

On the drive home, it was freaky as hell driving down a road surrounded by forests, from which the town was named (Elk Grove). It was comforting to know that there could be elk (or deer) were roaming the streets. By the end of the road, I become immersed under the artificial light coming from the hunchback poles and I realize it's safe. Haha, corny. I can't believe that was my attempt at a faux-Inception experience. Well, back to reality. It was crazy thinking that at any given moment, you could realize that everything was once a dream. Lifting your head up. Seeing the professor continue with his mundane lecture. Only to realize you were dreaming within multiple realities. Haha, I did it again. Back to reality.

There's a good ass song out by Wiz Khalifa (Hey Girl) and it keeps playing in my head. So chill.

The Cubs traded Theriot and Lilly? Damn it. The Bears season can't come any sooner. I can't wait to see that new offense and replenished defense. The Bulls season looks to start off great. They're mentioned on marquee days for the NBA. Seems like there's gonna be more hype on the young team. Hopefully, they don't crash and burn (especially if they sign TMac).

What skips in this logical gap? Reaganomics was supposed to give the rich tax cuts so they can spend more money to create jobs. Now, under this cycle's effect of the conservative economic policy of the government has come full circle. Especially with the profits increasing and not a lot to show for it, people start to become enlightened by a liberal policy that the rich paying the government to pay for the poor's plight. The working class doesn't suffer after receiving aid from the government. So the tax cuts come to haunt the constituents. The rich get a needless break during a recession, while the rest are still in need. Now when jobs are demanded, the rich do not have any jobs to offer even after receiving large tax cuts. Essentially they have no money to invest in the common people. Instead, they hold on to it and choose a globalized policy which saves money and increases profit. Where is the irony?

Read This

Meh, I'm being an insomniac. Didn't need to rant, but getting to know the "rich's plight" has suddenly become tiresome. That progressive radio talk is quite entertaining. They do the exact same things they criticize about the conservatives. I wonder why they didn't look like the same before? Boring.

I wish I knew what to say...

Taco Bell came out with tacos with onion and cilantro!?! I forget what they're called, but it seems more authentic. Can't wait to try!

If no one's heard this song yet, they should really get out more often.

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