Sunday, October 9, 2011

Refresh Button (F5)

It's been months since I've been on this thing. Writing on my own is different from blogging. Time to start up again. The past two months have been refreshing. I'm going to get back into this slowly. Some thoughts..

The weather has gone from unseasonably cold to unseasonably warm. I have been enjoying it before the warmth hibernates for months. This winter is supposedly going to be freezing. The farmers are usually right, but I'm hoping they're wrong this time. Warm weather was torturous this summer, but it's better than shivering uncontrollably with layers of clothes on.

This #OccupyWallStreet business has been slowly blowing up the media. For politicians, it's hot potato because supporting or decrying it brings criticism for either being anti-populist or pro-corporate. It's the dualistic nature of a deomcratic republic and a capitalist economy. With globalization becoming a more distinguished facet of people's lives, it's getting harder for society to find a balance for its people, the economy, and the government. Everywhere around the world, economies are suffering, governments are being criticized, and people are upset. Maybe Marx and Engles weren't too far off? Time will tell.

The NBA lockout is ridiculous. Money is very important everyone. In order to maintain profits, the owners are playing hardball with the players. The players do not want to hurt their market value by giving up money when they generate revenue. At the same time, the forgotten effects are hardly mentioned by the media. The livelihoods of those who depend on professional sports in order to support themselves as well as their families are being sacrificed because the elitists are griping about small percentages. The trickle-down effect? Professional sports is a good example as to how and why Reaganomics does not work. The top garner all the money and the people on the bottom, who do most of the work, receive the least. I would expand but in the coming months, I'm sure I'll rant and rave some more.

RIP Steve Jobs. The good and bad he brought to the technological world have changed the future in so many ways.

Life is good. Time to workout and study.

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