Monday, January 2, 2012


There are only so many cliches to describe how memorable or special the past year was to someone. This year was a period of transition where I went through many ups and downs, bad and good. The Bears were beyond lucky last season, and had terrible luck this year. The Cubs need as much luck as they can get every year. The Bulls bloomed like a Rose (har-har) last year and look even better this year. The economy was shaky, but there has been recovery. There was a blizzard, followed by one of the coldest days of the year, a scorching two week heat wave, and then it didn't even snow until after the New Year. Bin Laden, Qaddafi, and Kim Jong Il died, but tyranny still reigns. The Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street movements have brought activism to new heights. Politics is hot air as usual.

On a personal note, this year flew by. I was in many places - Champaign, Panama City Beach, Kalamazoo, Memphis, New Orleans, NYC, Boston, and everywhere in Chicago. I became closer to my best friends, but grew further from my acquaintances. I stayed in school to learn more about myself and what I want in life. I quit smoking and then failed to keep that commitment. I went from 199.9 lbs to 175 lbs. I greatly improved my basketball skills. I stopped taking my family for granted and now I think about them every day. I learned how much I didn't like Chemistry. I realized that platonic love is incapable of satisfying what the heart truly seeks. I started the year in rock bottom and ended the year on top of the world.

2011 was unpredictable, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I am even more excited to see what 2012 will bring!

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