Monday, May 7, 2012


I'm 6 days away from graduation, which means I'm 7 days away from post-undergrad life. Although it took a long time, I feel like each semester taught me valuable life lessons. One semester I learned about how to balance school, friends, and family. Another semester I learned not to study too hard for something I didn't enjoy. The past summer I realized how much I enjoyed traveling and how much I will in the future. This semester I've learned to truly appreciate everything I have in my life and not take things for granted. I have definitely used my time in the cornfields to grow as a person. Whether life leads me to a chemistry lab or to an office in Hong Kong, I welcome the change and the adversity that awaits. It could be stupidity or it could be courage. I'm not really sure, but I have always desired to do the impossible. Once I graduate, I want to become someone who will positively affect people's lives. I don't want to be indebted to anyone, but the truth is I owe everyone so much because if it weren't for them I wouldn't be who I am today. This definitely sounds cheesy, but looking back I've had great memories with people I may never see again. It isn't a depressing or pessimistic thought. It's a fact. Things change under different circumstances for everyone. We really won't know where all of us are going to be 5 or 10 years from now. Some people are going to be married and some of them are even going to have children. Sadly, others might even be dead. Person A might be an investment banker, Person B might be a professor, Person C might be a teacher. It's an unknown path that we should appreciate every step of the way, because time flies by and every moment counts. I started this blog 2 years ago. Frankly, I don't really care if people read this or not. It was just a way to keep track of thoughts and ideas that I had. One of my life's ambitions is to be a man of integrity. Whatever I want in life, I will work hard for it. I'm not sure how too gauge how much integrity I have now, but I want to be able to look back in my life and say that I lived a life full of integrity and regret nothing because of my character. I'll hopefully blog once more before graduation. But after that, I'm going to start a new blog to document my travels, tastes, and thoughts as a working man. Time to grind out a long study session.

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