Sunday, July 25, 2010

Take 4

OH NO! T-Mac to the Bulls? I am not for this at all, but it should be interesting. I'd much rather take him than James Johnson. This NBA offseason, however disappoint that LBJ, DWade, and Bosh went to the Heat, wasn't all that bad for the Bulls. Better than getting nobody like years before. (Jalen Rose!!!! not.) Eerily, the Bucks have just done what the Bulls spent 5 or 6 years trying to recover from - bad free agent pick ups. They managed to sign Gooden, Salmons, and Maggette all within weeks! Now, people might think them teamed up with Jennings, Bogut, CDR, Redd, and the rest of the gang that they have added good pieces. I think not. Gooden 8 years 8 teams. Salmons good after he's traded, but played terribly with the Bulls when Gordon left. Maggette is the biggest ball hog ever who seemed to polarize his teammates with his selfish play. I applaud Milwaukee because now the Bulls have less competition to win the Central.

Thank you Mother Nature for taking a piss on the Chicagoland area in 1 night. I guess it was bound to happen since it was sunny and 90s for several weeks without a drop of rain. 6" at O'Hare and 10" down by Oakbrook.

Inception was by far the best mind fuck I have ever endured. Even before watching movies, I loved to dream knowing that it was never reality, but fantasy. I can't wait for the next adventurous dream. Leo does a great acting job. Cannot forget how pretty Juno looked. Joseph Gordon-Levitt - can't wait for the next G.I. Joe knowing that he can do action scenes. But I really do want people to stop with the "I need a totem" or the train riddle or even just saying "How do you know you're not dreaming?" If people can't differentiate between fantasy and reality, they belong in the psych ward.

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are. Good song, and now the bar for guys just went up.

Let's be clear- I am in no way a communist, fascist, or socialist. I have capitalistic views. I would say I'm more of a centrist. A perfect balance is needed. Now, I'm not looking up facts for this rant and have no grounds to support it except my memory and what I do know are to be facts. So I'm going to pose the question - What if America as well as the rest of the world is going down the road to Marx's communism. How? Well here goes my attempt at a conspiracy theory while being beyond bored.

-300 years of war. Since the inception of the US started from a revolution, it could mark the first year of the war. The US has fought in wars, even without necessarily being directly involved, in almost every decade of the nation's history. The Iraq and Afghan wars have continued with no clear aims of knowing how to end the war. I do think that the US intends to keep these wars going in case any hostile actions arise between us and Iran. It is tactically advantageous for us to be within striking distance of the country we started. Oops, but that's a different story. Now say we do start a world war with them, that would mean it would start about 250 years after the birth of the US. It is likely that the citizens of the US would be very unhappy that a war could have even started and try to overthrow the government. (The Roman Republic failed as well due to similar reasons and the Roman Empire began.) Let's say citizens do revolt, it would mean a revolution. (Thank you, France for your revolutionary ways.) Down the road it would take years to stabilize a new government controlling the people. Now based on the past and the greedy ways of corporations, a possible new form of government could be some idealistic "communist" government treating all people fairly with the destruction of social classes, which would be the truest form of communism to date. (North Korea, Cuba, and China do not count as communist. They're socialists.) I guess Karl Marx had some kind of crazy vision. There is a 99% chance that this will never happen, but this is what happens when you get bored on a Sunday afternoon.

Now that my Mexican food craze is coming to an end, it is only fitting that I continue with ethnic food. I tried Indian food the other day and it is AMAZING!!!!! more to post later

time to go bowling!


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Take 3

I guess I'm blogging only once a week - every Thursday around noon.

I'm listening to Curren$y - Breakfast (In & Out). Man, I'm digging the jazzy background with some rap. Today's rap is evolving by by blending with different genres. Lil Wayne's rock album? (Haha Rebirth was so bad..) All these new songs with a techno/trance beat? (Flo Rida especially! Club Can't Handle Me!!) Now jazz? Don't get me wrong, these songs aren't bad. Just taking note.

The BP leak is dragging. Another leak in another attempt to cap the well? WTF! Let's get this shit over with. Almost 3 months now.. I know it isn't an easy fix, but 3 months? My guess is that there's only one worker and he's writing ideas down on a piece of paper and drawing the "best" one out of a hat. That or the fact that drilling thousands of feet underwater with tens, maybe hundreds, of thousands of oil gushing out with incredible force just makes it kind of hard to fix, just a little bit.

Got Kid Cudi ft. Rostam Batmanglij & Bethany Cosentino - All Summer stuck in my head. Pretty chill ass song. I could see potheads liking it too, since it is Kid Cudi..

It's been a week since Lebitch owned Cleveland on ESPN. Some have already handed Miami the Larry O'Brien Trophy; others claim the Lakers are still the team to beat. I, for one, do not want to see the 'Bigger 3' getting any rings for the next few years. But, did anyone not watch the finals? Boston did stretch it out and even had a lead throughout Game 7. The Lakers aren't invincible. But then again, it could've been rigged so there was a Game 7 no matter what with the best team winning in the final game regardless of the 82 plus games prior to that game.

Trey Songz ft. Nicki Minaj - Bottoms Up. Damn her voice is so sexy.

The Bulls suddenly got better. Hopefully Orlando doesn't sign Redick's offer sheet. We'd have a stacked rotation. Rose, Redick, Deng, Boozer, and Noah as starters with Taj, James Johnson, Korver, Asik, and whoever else we sign (Brewer? BMiller?) coming off the bench. We just need that top notch defender, including Thib's defensive schemes, which would put us into the top 4 for at least the next few years.

Huey ft. Lil Wayne - Another Planet. Catchy song. I hope it goes on the radio

Either way, next year is going to be a great year of basketball. Can't wait.

Rick Ross ft. Diddy & Trey Songz - No. 1. I think I found a new workout song. Not really a good song, but motivation to keep working out. I'll take it.

FUCK VOTTO! 15 homers against the Cubs so that means 7 homers against everyone else he played. Doesn't that mean he's overrated and just a Cub killer when it comes to homers? Can't wait for Cashner to drill his ass!

Yeah that's pretty much it for today. I'll think of a new title for the blog. Seems kinda stupid haha


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Take 2

Today is finally the day! Lebron-a-thon 9pm ET on ESPN. I think more Americans are going to watch that than the World Cup final on Sunday. Sad that garbage news is more exciting than the biggest game for the biggest sport in the world. Well, it'd probably more exciting if Lebron had made it seem like he wanted to go to Da Bulls. If only those garbage years by Reinsdorf and Krause didn't turn off so many players.. Well plus one for Bulls management for getting Boozer.

Kudos to the Cubs for finally getting a sweep one week before the All Star break. One more sweep and we're right back in it. Hopefully Ramirez can keep it up! (Knock on wood)

Spain vs Netherlands. I'm gonna root for Spain but hope that Netherlands keeps it close. This cup was crazy this year.

In the past, I've never been too political or cared much for politics. Lately, I've been reading more political blogs and independent news outlets. Man, the shit the media tells us really fucks with your head. If you're a Republican, Fox News doesn't tell the truth. If you're a Democrat, CNN or MSNBC forget to tell you the important minor details. Most of it's about money and less about the importance of current events. Otherwise, we'd hear more about underreported amount of oil after the BP leak or how the unemployment bill was put off or even about Noriega getting 7 years for being a terrible dictator. Interesting picture I found online. It's skewed since it says "as low as 15%" which implie it could be around 25% as well, but I guess that's up to the person. To put it in perspective, why should the bourgeoisie who make about 20 times more than the average American pay less taxes than more than 97% of the country? At the same time we have the proletariats struggling to survive this second Great Depression. When the pursuit of happiness denies basic privileges for the working class, capitalism has exceeded its moral boundaries.

Denny's has the best drunk food. The $2-$4-$6-$8 value menu gets you the most bang for the buck. But for people who want to try something new, try the Santa Fe skillet or the Ultimate skillet. Diced potatoes, grilled onions, mushrooms, and peppers, two eggs of your choice, and either chorizo or breakfast sausage depending on which one you choose. Don't forget to add hot sauce!

Big Boi (Follow Us, Hustle Blood, and Tangerine) and Enrique Iglesias (I Like It, Heartbeat, Dirty Dancer, and One Day At A Time) have pretty good songs out. Bring back Outkast!

Rick Ross - Live Fast, Die Young (ft. Kanye West)

If Lebron goes to Miami, all i gotta say to the Heat:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Beginning

For some reason, I felt like starting a blog because I got bored with school and work. Plus one for procrastination! Most of my blogging is going to be about politics, sports, food, and music. Anything else might be short-lived red herrings. And I'd like to remember what I was thinking a couple years back. I have a terrible short term memory, but my long term memory works perfectly fine. Weird.

Senators and Representatives - Members of Congress - A third of the government with the most control of our country. (What happened to the Checks and Balance of the executive and judicial branches?) 'Public servants' has become an archaic word to describe our lovely, corrupt politicians. Democrats and Republicans both have become entrenched in politics. Democrats seem to appear as pussies. Republicans are the voice of the corporates. Lobbyists are the CEOs of America in disguise. American politics are a joke. The media and government are run by money.

Lebronomania!!! Finally July 1st! I think every sports fan- bandwagon or fanatic- are impatiently waiting for the free agent class to sign with their team. I'm hoping the Bulls get anybody, or we're going to become the Knicks or Pistons of the 90's. When are the Cubs going to turn this losing streak around? They were one of the best teams on paper before the season started. Overrated. The Bears seem like they can turn it around, but they carry more question marks than a Q&A session.

Recently, I've become addicted to Mexican foods. That restaurant tastes pretty damn good.

Listening to the radio has become that nagging girlfriend that most guys can't escape. They repeat songs over and over again for months at a time. I'm pretty sure there's more than 30 songs out there. I can't help but rip on songs that become trendy. B.o.B is definitely one of my favorite rappers, but 'Airplanes' and 'Nothing On You' have been out for almost a year now. Can radio stations stop playing them and start playing his mixtapes? There's great music hidden from the general public. But of course, most Americans are too lazy to even look for music before they even realize what they listen to most of the time are just what labels want them to hear.

I don't know if anyone's going to read this, but I don't really care and prefer that it doesn't become big.

Song of the day: John Legend & The Roots - Our Generation