Thursday, November 25, 2010


"I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge - myth is more potent than history - dreams are more powerful than facts - hope always triumphs over experience - laughter is the cure for grief - love is stronger than death." - Robert Fulghum, quote extraordinaire

First off, I'd like to remind myself about things I want to blog about in the future. The Korean clash (North vs South), the running of the Bulls, the "polarized" parties, the propaganda machine known today as the media, the Federal Reserve, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, Marx and Engles, the Storming of the Bastille, the Enlightenment, Newton's Apocalypse, Russia's "democracy", steric hindrance, tryptophan/serine/cystamine, the Cubbies, and the Bears.

Today is Thanksgiving Day. It's a day when one gives thanks for the things in their life. As the Pilgrims supposedly did back by Plymouth, MA. The historical discrepancy about the Native Americans is quite debatable. But as Churchill said, "History is written by the victors."

Now the word "thanksgiving" is quite ironic. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as: a) the act of giving thanks, b) a prayer expressing gratitude, and c) a public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness. I'd prefer to break it apart and look at it as "thanks" and "giving". To be thankful generally comes from one being grateful for receiving. Usually, one replies with 'Thanks', 'Thank You', or nothing at all except this.

So, to give something you usually give from receiving something is quite a headache, and this is the holiday we celebrate on the last Thursday of November. It's almost like 'Pay It Forward'...

This unselfish holiday is followed up by Black Friday, one of the most selfish commercial holidays ever conceived. I don't really feel like talking about Black Friday since most people know what it's about and how intense it can get.

Now, I guess this is my enlightened post about what I'm thankful for. I am thankful for my family and friends, and that cannot be understated. I am also thankful for the antagonists I've met throughout my life:
the fat Mexican bully from 2nd grade who I fought with just because of my eyes,
the asshole who stole my bike I got for my birthday,
Steve Urkel, for influencing me to spit on my birthday cake after watching him do it on 'Family Matters',
my parents' divorce,
Mrs. Levine(stein?), my overbearing, psychotic 3rd grade teacher,
the kid who I fought almost on a daily basis over Pokemon cards during the 4th grade,
Mr. Glassman, the sexist, pedophile history teacher from 5th/6th grade,
Mr. Miller, the pessimistic, philosophic asshole English/Logic teacher from 5th/6th grade,
the evil neighbor next door who always swore at me,
the pedophile who touched my friend's little sister,
the kid who took a chunk of hair off my head with a metal pole just because I was better at basketball,
Mrs. Martin, the sarcastic, racist social science teacher in 7th grade,
Ms. Stoner, the 7th grade English teacher who ripped on me for not reading Harry Potter, while instead I read the Redwall and Narnia series,
Mr. Zimmerman, my 7th grade math teacher who took away my GIANT joke book which I read after finishing my classwork,
the prick who burned my hand with his cigarette while I was 12 in Korea,
Mrs. Meyers, my AP World History teacher who always knew I would fail on the AP test based on the grade I "deserved",
Coach Wolanski, the coach who lived in someone else's basement who always thought I was a Chinaman who couldn't understand Engrish,
Hebron Church, the church that truly knows Christianity,
the fucker who broke my windshield,
the University of Illinois, the college that really knows how to budget well,
and others who I don't feel like mentioning.
Why thank those who have always made my life suck? Because they make me realize what I am truly grateful for - the things I do have. Also, I gained something from them that have in turn positively affected other parts of my life. I could go on and on, but my feast awaits.

AudioDax's 'Make Noise'

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