Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I've been meaning to update this right after my birthday, but I encountered days of hangovers and days of sickness. Finally after 6 days, I've recovered at last!

It's pretty much October with election season in full swing. I just hope people vote based on important issues. The past 20 years, since the Reagan administration, we've encountered many faux-issues like gun control, abortion, and stem cell research. To add in other issues like medical marijuana and gay rights, it's just going back and forth with nothing really ever getting done. For once, can we focus on issues that really matter? Most Americans believe we're still in a recession, even though the recession was claimed to be over last year. What's with this country?!

To end the discussion, let's look back on what the original Founders thought. These white slave owners intended to free the country from the "tyranny" of King George III. All they wanted to do was drink some tea!

I don't think most tea party people even know what or who they're supporting, but they should really look into it.

In other news, the Bears are 3-0 to start the 2010 season. Our terrible offensive linemen are holding up just long enough so Forte can cut through holes and Cutler can throw quick passes. But after watching the Packers game, I was impressed with the improvement they made after week 1 with our mighty first round pick Chris Williams. Oh wait, I guess not. We have a good chance to go 9-7, even 10-6 is possible. But let's wait and see.

The Cubs keep on winning! Mike Quade isn't a bad choice at all. I hope it comes down to him and Sandberg for manager next year. Inching closer to that World Series. Now, about those players...

D-Rose! This year is going to be exciting. Can't wait.

The song below "You Always Make Me Smile" by Kyle Andrews is pretty catchy. I saw it on a Holiday Inn commercial. It reminds me of something from somewhere but can't remember. Oh well, enjoy!

Being surrounded by cornfields for years finally got to me. I want to travel and explore! No more cornfields! No more cornfields!

The future awaits!

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