Saturday, April 23, 2011

Brainstorming Dream

Damn! That was a scary ass nightmare. I woke up from a dream where life got intense and I couldn't wake up. I was with my mom, my brother, and my friend whose face I can't remember. All four of us decided to go on a road trip, because lately that's been what I love doing. We decide to drive out to some coast; although I'm not exactly sure where we were. We rented a house on the beach. It had the best view of the sunset/sunrise. We ate like champions. We grilled seafood, burgers, brats, and hot dogs. Next thing we know, we're in the attic talking. I look out the window. And it's a tornado on water?? Water spouts are pretty common during storms, but it wasn't raining outside. Boom! The mini-tornado rips through the house. It wasn't disastrous though. It came in through the window and stopped in the middle of the house.

We took it as a warning sign and ran off to our car. We drove off into a beach parking lot thinking it was safer than the beach house. All of us decided to sleep. Ring ring! It was my friend's dad who was mad at my friend for running off unexpectedly. We got up and walked away from the beach to figure out what to do. We were sitting on a table by one of the facilities nearby while I was smoking a cigarette. The gates surrounding the area seemed pointless. It didn't block anyone from trespassing. There were large gaps that people could easily sneak through. CRASH! It was the sound of a wave colliding with one of the penetrable walls around us. We were mesmerized by what was happening. The waves had reached out to us. We were sitting at least 200-250 yards away from the shore. Then it hit me. My mom and my brother were still sleeping in the car parked at the beach parking lot. I tried to see if the car was there, but I couldn't see anything but water engulfed everything in sight. The waves were getting more fierce. We had to ran away from the waves and made our way to a hotel.

We took a deep breath and tried to assess the current situation. Maybe it was just a dream? It couldn't have happened so quickly. How do tornadoes form on water? What do we do now? We went to a hotel and stayed there waiting to find out the news. A few days later, it was confirmed- they were deceased. The shock of it was devastating. I had no idea how to react. Do I embrace my emotions and let everything out, or do I act strong for my family and myself in order to ride the storm? I did a little bit of both.

Now, I had to think of how we were going to go back home from the trip. My friend and I had enough money to sleep and eat, but not to drive. The logic doesn't make sense, but that was the present situation. For the next couple of days, we did odd jobs here and there. We scrounged up enough money to head back home.

The journey home was quick. Once I was home, I looked around. Everything reminded me of my family. An intense rush of emotions poured out. I yelled. I screamed. I punched. I cried. I prayed. It wasn't fair. I thought about what life would be like without them. For example, my mom helps me with taxes and money things. I thought how it would be like for me to do taxes by myself for the first time without her guiding me through it. I thought about other things, like would our dog miss them? Eventually, I wake up. The nightmare/dream felt so real.

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