Thursday, November 25, 2010


"I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge - myth is more potent than history - dreams are more powerful than facts - hope always triumphs over experience - laughter is the cure for grief - love is stronger than death." - Robert Fulghum, quote extraordinaire

First off, I'd like to remind myself about things I want to blog about in the future. The Korean clash (North vs South), the running of the Bulls, the "polarized" parties, the propaganda machine known today as the media, the Federal Reserve, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, Marx and Engles, the Storming of the Bastille, the Enlightenment, Newton's Apocalypse, Russia's "democracy", steric hindrance, tryptophan/serine/cystamine, the Cubbies, and the Bears.

Today is Thanksgiving Day. It's a day when one gives thanks for the things in their life. As the Pilgrims supposedly did back by Plymouth, MA. The historical discrepancy about the Native Americans is quite debatable. But as Churchill said, "History is written by the victors."

Now the word "thanksgiving" is quite ironic. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as: a) the act of giving thanks, b) a prayer expressing gratitude, and c) a public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness. I'd prefer to break it apart and look at it as "thanks" and "giving". To be thankful generally comes from one being grateful for receiving. Usually, one replies with 'Thanks', 'Thank You', or nothing at all except this.

So, to give something you usually give from receiving something is quite a headache, and this is the holiday we celebrate on the last Thursday of November. It's almost like 'Pay It Forward'...

This unselfish holiday is followed up by Black Friday, one of the most selfish commercial holidays ever conceived. I don't really feel like talking about Black Friday since most people know what it's about and how intense it can get.

Now, I guess this is my enlightened post about what I'm thankful for. I am thankful for my family and friends, and that cannot be understated. I am also thankful for the antagonists I've met throughout my life:
the fat Mexican bully from 2nd grade who I fought with just because of my eyes,
the asshole who stole my bike I got for my birthday,
Steve Urkel, for influencing me to spit on my birthday cake after watching him do it on 'Family Matters',
my parents' divorce,
Mrs. Levine(stein?), my overbearing, psychotic 3rd grade teacher,
the kid who I fought almost on a daily basis over Pokemon cards during the 4th grade,
Mr. Glassman, the sexist, pedophile history teacher from 5th/6th grade,
Mr. Miller, the pessimistic, philosophic asshole English/Logic teacher from 5th/6th grade,
the evil neighbor next door who always swore at me,
the pedophile who touched my friend's little sister,
the kid who took a chunk of hair off my head with a metal pole just because I was better at basketball,
Mrs. Martin, the sarcastic, racist social science teacher in 7th grade,
Ms. Stoner, the 7th grade English teacher who ripped on me for not reading Harry Potter, while instead I read the Redwall and Narnia series,
Mr. Zimmerman, my 7th grade math teacher who took away my GIANT joke book which I read after finishing my classwork,
the prick who burned my hand with his cigarette while I was 12 in Korea,
Mrs. Meyers, my AP World History teacher who always knew I would fail on the AP test based on the grade I "deserved",
Coach Wolanski, the coach who lived in someone else's basement who always thought I was a Chinaman who couldn't understand Engrish,
Hebron Church, the church that truly knows Christianity,
the fucker who broke my windshield,
the University of Illinois, the college that really knows how to budget well,
and others who I don't feel like mentioning.
Why thank those who have always made my life suck? Because they make me realize what I am truly grateful for - the things I do have. Also, I gained something from them that have in turn positively affected other parts of my life. I could go on and on, but my feast awaits.

AudioDax's 'Make Noise'

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Next Chapter

The door creaks. It closes shut. Suddenly, a trill slowly gets louder and louder. The door slowly creaks open. Open just enough so a mouse can sneak away from the ghastly aura. Finally, the silence returns. The door creaks and slams shut. This is the bar room. It could be the howling wind; it could be the friendly ghost.

In Da Club- 50 Cent vs. Eric Prydz by DJTP

"The truth is that many who leave the faith or turn away from God do so because they have come to realize that this mindset led to nothing more than a shallow or empty relationship with God." Read this if you want to reflect on Christianity. It's getting clearer, but still murky.

Tupac vs. Andrea Bocelli-My Block by DJTP

My brother and I talked about our childhood, our parents, and our future. It revealed a lot to both of us about who we are, who we're becoming, and why we're becoming what we're bound to become. It's comforting to know that we talked about things I never mentioned to anyone for over 10 years. Slowly, I'm realizing what family is all about. In the past, I've claimed that I was a family man who cared about nothing more than my family. I knew I was lying when I selfishly left my family in the dust to hang out with friends when they needed me the most. I don't regret it because I made friendships that I still cherish and I realize that I won't repeat the same mistake twice. Even though I never tell my family, it doesn't mean that I don't love them.

Only 99 Problems-Jayz vs. Enya by DJTP

There's only three weeks left in the semester. Then one more semester, maybe one more. Then off to life! Adult-life, how much I dread the thought of waking up at 6 am every morning. I guess the money will be enough motivation..

Airplanes vs. Nothin to Lose by DJTP

The Bulls are so exciting! Luol Deng definitely stepped it up this season. Joakim Noah made a lot of progress on D and on offense. DRose is sick. The passing and motion offense is a lot better than I thought. One more month until Booze!

Izzo by DJTP

I just listened to the beginning of this song and the door creaked open.. Halloween was two weeks ago..

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ignorance is Bliss

Let the sunshine reign forever from solstice to equinox.

Chemistry hasn't ever been this challenging. Wide awake for the first time. It all makes sense! No denying of the things to come, except to some. It's kind of creepy how much facebook knows. But it's okay, gotta look on the brightside - there's an exception to the rule as well as the rule that defeats the exception. Wait, wahh??

Monday, November 1, 2010

Practice Take 7

"You can't let nobody take your heart from you. I didn't and I know I'm always going to work hard and nobody's going to tell me different." - James Johnson, talking about his role in helping the Bulls rally to beat the Pistons.

The Bulls look squeamishly good. Why squeamish? Because the motion offense they have involves them running around in circles and throwing up shots (brick) or having Rose use a pick-and-roll without a bonafide big man making the play selection dangerous. After Boozer comes back, everyone's numbers should increase. EXCITING!

It's quite funny how a Cubs bullpen catcher gets caught with over 8 pounds of weed, the British list alcohol as the most harmful drug, and Alan acts like a ruh-tard. Election Day is coming up and California is voting on Proposition 19 which could or could not lead the way to legalization of marijuana. Personally, I'm against the ratification of any legal marijuana. There is no reason why we should make a drug legal when it makes hundreds of thousands of people lazy and unmotivated. The proposed taxes and revenue California can gain does not outweigh the consequences. There's still a good chance that even if it is legalized, drug dealers will take it to the streets more readily with a likely age limit being placed. Prohibition failed, but that was due to the Roaring society and limited knowledge of the general population. Alcohol is still by far the bigger evil. One wrong cannot make another right. The synergistic capabilities of legal marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco will most likely wreak havoc for the first few months/years it is legal.

The Lions beat the Redskins. Wait what? Didn't they Skins beat the Bears last week? Of course the Skins would lose to a crappy team. They play up (or down) to their competition, as do the Bears. How aggravating is it that the Lions' running backs Kevin Smith and Jahvid Best each had 12 carries for about 50 yards and Stafford had 4 touchdowns and 1 interception? Very. I wish the Bears could utilize the running game with that shitty offensive line. OH YEAH! Forte and Taylor have no gaps to shoot through because of them. Can't blame Martz for going with mostly passing plays. But why plays that involve 7 step drops and having Cutler getting owned. Those cheeseheads caught up with our bye week, but hopefully Martz will realize the 3-/5-step drops with quick passes will be more effective and that Greg Olsen has pretty good hands for a tight-end/receiver.

Halloween is a good holiday. Not because of the boatloads of free candy given out to little children, or the skimpy outfits girls tend to wear, but because the good spirits people tend to be in. Even though it's original holiday may not have been all too great, people gather together to enjoy costumes. The only thing that I do not like about this year's Halloween is how some guys mistreat girls and that no one knows who the hell Pillsbury dough boy is! (A fat chef to the FOBs and a dough boy to the natives. Sheesh.)

The beginning of November is one to remember.
It may not be like December or even September.
October ended with a boo by who knows who.
Still, there's a lot to look forward to.
There's Thanksgiving break
with much sleep to take.
But best of all, everyone's gonna be burpy-
right after they eat their turkey!

Why did I write that? So bored! Lab report here I come!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Back to Reality

For the past few days, I've been inexplicably happy. Exams and lab reports created a disaster in my room. I probably drank quarts of coffee. I have an exam coming up in a couple hours. But I sit back and relax, the bliss which is ignorance. The sanctity of mental peace eclipses the act of scribbling ink into paper.

"Time sure does fly by.." It's 2010. Three long years after graduating high school, I sit here thinking about all the things that have been and that are to come. I spent much of the past few months in denial. I don't want to leave college knowing that I'm going to become a slave for the rest of my life. Living to work? Working to survive? Living to survive? The duality of the simple and the complex exists throughout every stage in life.

"With age comes wisdom." It's ironic that I've learned about things from acids and bases to quantum mechanics, but I tried to forget about the byproducts of learning. The countless hours spent studying accompanied by the hours spent drinking. After completing my third year, I realized that alcohol is a waste of time. Students of different backgrounds consume the elixir of college. Watery, grapey, and even sometimes fiery, it can create the best moments or the worst hangovers. All-in-all, I regret drinking to escape reality. The exams and lab reports were a drag, but I should have seen them as opportunities of refinement. (Drink as a reward!)

"Carpe diem." I wake up struggling to get out of bed. The cold air forces me to make a cocoon. Why do I have to get up now?! Minutes pass by and I realize - I'm a student. A student eventually becomes more experienced to pass on the same knowledge to future students. Commencement officially removes that 'student' label and sticks on a blank one. After graduating, we seize our own future and set our lives on an unforeseeable path. What's to come?

"Slap in the face." Theories, hypotheses, and critical thinking are required for chemistry majors. Applying those skills make us more marketable. But the flaws are overwhelming. I spent the past few months trying to forget what once was. I held onto memories I will always cherish. I did not want to speculate about past, present, or future; I only wanted to live in the 'now'. There have been moments of joy, of sadness, of love, of hate, of confusion, of exhilaration. The uncertainty of the future makes me think about what I want and how I'm going to get it. The fear of false hope made me dwell in the moment and forget about what really mattered. When reality slaps you in the face, it hits you really hard. I looked back too many times only to realize that doing so wasted time.

"Whatever happens happens." I write this to remind myself in the future to be focused and work hard. The stroke of luck can be perceived as coincidence. The threads spun by the Fates or the path set by God have the same meaning. Shit happens whether it's good or bad. It doesn't matter if it was luck or meant to be. The present becomes the past and the future becomes the present. Life knows no bounds and is limitless.

Today's forecast is sunny and crisp. Tomorrow's forecast is

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pick a scientist's brain..

Nothing can be more aggravating than knowing and believing in evidence supporting a questionable theory which lacks any argument proving its own existence.

Prove me wrong.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


In the last 36 hours, I have been obsessing with this one show which I refuse to ever mention outside my apartment. Why? It is too eerily what I seek in life. The excitement, the danger, the unknown, the surprise, and the beauty that have trapped me to my computer. Mindlessly absorbed in fiction I cannot break the habit.

And then it happened. I fall asleep and I become the hero. Traveling around the world while simultaneously saving it. Running after terrorists in the streets of Vienna. Coming across the scent of violet which resonates from the flowers found everywhere but Illinois. Stopping a nuclear bomb from exploding and saving thousands of lives. Walking in the gym without anyone ever finding out what had occurred.

I wake up and I find myself in a familiar setting. I'm around the friends I've always had and the friends I've just made. I go to all of my classes - even my biochemistry class that I dread. I make myself a huge meal. Friends visit on the weekend. An old friend walks in. We catch up and talk about what we've missed out on. I even bring up the lucid dream I recently had. We continue to talk and eventually it comes up. It's not something I used to feel comfortable talking about, but why does it matter? It's been years and its relevance doesn't affect our lives at this point. We reconcile. Something stupid had eventually snowballed into something big. That snowball had just been crushed to reveal that nothing had started it. A mistake had just been fixed.

I rarely regret things in life and never consider them as mistakes. To fix them, I distract myself with friends, family, and booze. So I guess that really isn't fixing anything, but it sure does beat out feeling any regret. Years pass and the regret that overcomes me forces me to face my mistake. I can either learn from the mistake and live without making anymore mistakes, or I can try to undo the mistake with the help of my time machine! (kidding) By facing our demons, we undo time. The mistake is corrected. The end.

And then I wake up. (OMG! It's a double rainbow - er, dream...) That was some Inception bullshit. No people saved from nuclear bombs. No Mediterranean meals. No reconciliation. Same old reality. I have never felt so comfortable with a dream, only to have life feel like it rewinded. Double dreams, touche. I blame my subconscious for letting stupid people inside my brain. We need to beef up the security!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Coming Soon!

I've been meaning to get to coming up with a post...

In the meantime, gif galore!

If you didn't like these, then you have no soul!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Writer's Strike: Tough Break

I can't believe I just stumbled upon a show I like, even though I used to rip on it 24/7. Damn.. treated. Good accident. But time for some deep thoughts..

It's been minutes, hours, days, weeks, months..
After all, time seems to fly by fast these days.
I reminisce and it's picture perfect.
Waking up in the morning,
Enjoying a good breakfast with you.
Kicking back with fun and games,
Bursting in laughter.
Looking at you and being reminded,
How slow time can really be sometimes.
What's to say about all of those messages?
Some were good; some were bad.
Overall, there were many memories.
Having to part takes its toll.
There's a crack.
Something seems to be missing.
When times are hard,
the rules can be bent.

But it's time to move on to the next one..


my two year old phone! It's been good times.

I can't wait to get my next one. First smartphone and finally getting to see first hand what it's like to have one. I don't think it's going to be anything special, but I can't wait to finally see through messages. Next up, finding a new iPod.

It could happen

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I've been meaning to update this right after my birthday, but I encountered days of hangovers and days of sickness. Finally after 6 days, I've recovered at last!

It's pretty much October with election season in full swing. I just hope people vote based on important issues. The past 20 years, since the Reagan administration, we've encountered many faux-issues like gun control, abortion, and stem cell research. To add in other issues like medical marijuana and gay rights, it's just going back and forth with nothing really ever getting done. For once, can we focus on issues that really matter? Most Americans believe we're still in a recession, even though the recession was claimed to be over last year. What's with this country?!

To end the discussion, let's look back on what the original Founders thought. These white slave owners intended to free the country from the "tyranny" of King George III. All they wanted to do was drink some tea!

I don't think most tea party people even know what or who they're supporting, but they should really look into it.

In other news, the Bears are 3-0 to start the 2010 season. Our terrible offensive linemen are holding up just long enough so Forte can cut through holes and Cutler can throw quick passes. But after watching the Packers game, I was impressed with the improvement they made after week 1 with our mighty first round pick Chris Williams. Oh wait, I guess not. We have a good chance to go 9-7, even 10-6 is possible. But let's wait and see.

The Cubs keep on winning! Mike Quade isn't a bad choice at all. I hope it comes down to him and Sandberg for manager next year. Inching closer to that World Series. Now, about those players...

D-Rose! This year is going to be exciting. Can't wait.

The song below "You Always Make Me Smile" by Kyle Andrews is pretty catchy. I saw it on a Holiday Inn commercial. It reminds me of something from somewhere but can't remember. Oh well, enjoy!

Being surrounded by cornfields for years finally got to me. I want to travel and explore! No more cornfields! No more cornfields!

The future awaits!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I'm in the midst of possible my hardest non-finals week of college. The irony is that I never had an easier schedule. The concepts are easier to grasp after learning the basic fundamental ideas of physics and chemistry COMBINED as well as being a cultured American. For every good day in life, there comes a bad day. Working endless hours on a lab report only to fumble and lose the flash with all its hard work has made every fun day of college seem like a waste. As my life sits in a ditch, I take joy in the little things to distract myself from the big things.

Music. The aspect about human beings is the harmony, melody, and grace that comes from our culture. From the caveman's clanging of tools to Mozart's symphonies, music has inspired generations. Listening to music has been the drug of choice for the past hour (or few long nights).

Movies. Where would we be without the invention of the light bulb? I admire Edison's knack for being a giant asshole because he pioneered the way for movies to exist decades later. Movies today come in all sorts. Good. Bad. Terrible. Hell.

(Insert picture of any free movie on On Demand.)

Blogging was a pastime I enjoyed while being bored at work or home. I've been living life to the fullest. Doing work ahead of time and spending the rest of the day hanging out with friends. Living in the now while balancing the future. But I lost sight of what really matters - the future. Everything that exists is an investment. It's just a matter of putting time and effort into it. College is one expensive investment. Time to make the most of what I have left.

After this week, I promise to return with better updates about food, movies, sports, music, and politics. On a side note, what are the odds of getting pierced by a broken bat? Next year's Cubbies look promising. Under Quade, we've been above .500! So what's that say about Lou?

Has it really been 21 years? Nope. About to be 22 in several hours. I am not looking forward to it. The same old routine, year after year, has lost its meaning. It only marks the years that have past and not the experiences gained. Is that what growing up is about? I miss the days where I could wind down with an episode of The Rugrats and play with my Transformer toys. Eating ice cream on a hot summer day after playing with Nerf guns and running in circles. Pogs, Pokemon, and Warheads were the "in". Girls had cooties. I could have been a doctor, a lawyer, a fireman, or even a superhero. Stepping a foot of snow and being sucked up to my hip in white fluff. Eating strawberry cake and wearing conical hats with my family. Fearlessly roaming the streets of Chicago on foot. Being amazed by the simplest things.

I miss it all.

One year later, my regrets have not changed. Why do I keep doing chemistry?!?!?! Time to go back to studying.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Break: Behind The Scenes

I've had bouts with insomnia all throughout college. Lab reports. Homework. Exams. Games. Long nights out drinking. Road trips. Chilling with friends. And even streaming Lost or The Office. Tonight is just another one of those sleepless nights on another muggy summer night. Now, most of my use for this blog is mainly to record my thoughts about food, politics, movies, sports, music, games, etc. But like in all fantasies and realities, there are thoughts and ideas which drive them from Point A to Point B. After staying up late hanging out and then watching a movie, I came across another idea. A movie is just a movie.

In the past, my obsession with Natalie Portman (as well as Ha Ji Won, Jessica Biel and Michelle Rodriguez) was nothing more than just an obsession. I didn't really know who she was until she was Queen Amidala/Padme in Star Wars Episode 1.

But then, I started to notice her more and more. 'V for Vendetta' really caught my eye because it showed different sides to the story.

Yes, she actually shaved her hair for the movie. During that scene she cried and showed a lot of emotion tied to the movie. Sacrificing her hair just to get a point across to the audience really sets her apart from some people - except for G.I. Jane. But for the most part, her acting still is a lot better than most.

I admire the fact that Natalie Portman not only has a different sex appeal and can really act, but she is also a very intelligent woman! She is also quite the rapper.

This Natalie Portman tangent does have a connection to the title of this post. What many people see in a movie is a bunch of actors and actresses. Much of a movie has to come from some source, some thought, some idea. The directors, producers, writers, and other crew members help set the movies direction. But the actors and actresses are being paid a large amount of money to entertain their audience. A modern day Shakespearean play recorded by a camera. The audience watches the movie and awaits the beginning, the middle, and the end of the story. Some of these movies end up having no explicit ending and leads to sequels, or even a trilogy.

Due to the rising sun and bright lights entering my room, I will cut short and go right to the gist. Much of the acting we see is just acting. In essence, a movie is just a movie - a story told using an actor's ability to play through the thoughts and ideas of the behind the scene crew members. A lot of people have to analyze Shakespeare's plays and lines in English classes. Compared to movies, people apply an extension of dreaded homework assignments using movies.

It is now time for me to sleep. Stream of consciousness. Yay!!!

People should not analyze movies beyond what they see. A movie is just a movie. An actor is just an actor.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Take 6

First off, eating food is essential to life. To enjoy it to its fullest, you need someone who really knows what they're doing. I've always been a big fan of Harold's Chicken, but I have finally found its match. Crisp's fried chicken is so good. The key to it is frying the chicken which is prepared in a Korean style and dipping them in random (soy) sauces. The Seoul Sassy tastes like fried rice and fried chicken and bulgogi (Korean beef) and green onions all at the same time. DELISH! The Crisp BBQ has a spicy tang to its smothering BBQ sauce. It isn't actually all that spicy, but imagine rotisserie chicken combined with baby back ribs. The Plain Jane is pretty plain - highly unrecommended. The best chicken there has to be the Bud's Buffalo, which comes in mild, hot, or suicide sauce. It's comparable to Buff Joe's. Actually, it isn't. Crisp definitely gives you more chicken with more flavor. You can buy chicken either in half or whole. If you buy a whole chicken, you can mix-and-match two flavors. I recommend getting Crisp BBQ and Bud's Buffalo. Also, try out the appetizers (fried mushrooms, in particular). Be ready to eat the best fried chicken EVER. However, also be prepared to spend a decent amount of money because a half chicken is not enough for one guy, maybe a girl.

I have to thank McDonald's for this one. The Super Size option has made America one big piece of lard the past 50 years. Combined with technology and lack of manual labor, Americans can now fulfill our future role as astronauts!

(Pho Xe Tang) Tank Noodle House is delish! The biggest bowl of pho noodles with an assortment of meat can satisfy any man, woman, or child. Lo and behold, these Vietnamese noodles are quickly gaining more and more fame with all kinds of people. The Tank pho noodles (the super size option) comes in a bowl about as big as half of a basketball. The broth is amazing. Vegetables are optional, but they make the whole meal taste better. What's amazing is that the noodles seem endless right until you reach max capacity. Be careful to ration the noodles proportionally with the meat! Driving to Broadway and Argyle might seem like a waste to some, but to truly experience different cultures requires some transportation. It's so pho king! Amazing!

My Mexican obsession has not ended. Taco Burrito King is not the best Mexican restaurant, but it does the job. I tried the Fish Taco meal, which came with two tacos covered in cheese, sour cream, and lettuce and the traditional rice and beans. What made this experience all the more gratifying was that there is a bar inside the restaurant. Who knew getting tipsy on a hot afternoon and eating fish tacos was such a good idea?

Now, now. I think my food binge is done. More food to come!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Take 5

So Inception is definitely the best movie of this summer. I watched it for the second time and I enjoyed the little details that I forgot. The fight scenes were cooler. The foreshadowing was written all over it. It was amusing to watch The Chemist in the movie. I'll give you a hint - 7/11 funny. Now the best part was that I was spacing out at the end, already realizing what was about to happen and what already had happened in the movie. I continued to space out and then I came to my own realization. There was a time when I thought I really knew something. An idea that was solidified as fact. Religions are all based on leaps of faith. And at the end of our lives, someone will be there to say, "and we'll be together." That idea which makes you snap out of reality when you realize you're not actually at the end of your life, but only in the present reading this blog. Funny, huh? So the reality of it is that I thought was once between the godfather and the godson. With all the advising that took place, the godson realized he was not advised, but controlled. Controlled into pushing away the one thing he cherished the most - love. Fischer then believes what he should do next. And then ending plays out.

On the drive home, it was freaky as hell driving down a road surrounded by forests, from which the town was named (Elk Grove). It was comforting to know that there could be elk (or deer) were roaming the streets. By the end of the road, I become immersed under the artificial light coming from the hunchback poles and I realize it's safe. Haha, corny. I can't believe that was my attempt at a faux-Inception experience. Well, back to reality. It was crazy thinking that at any given moment, you could realize that everything was once a dream. Lifting your head up. Seeing the professor continue with his mundane lecture. Only to realize you were dreaming within multiple realities. Haha, I did it again. Back to reality.

There's a good ass song out by Wiz Khalifa (Hey Girl) and it keeps playing in my head. So chill.

The Cubs traded Theriot and Lilly? Damn it. The Bears season can't come any sooner. I can't wait to see that new offense and replenished defense. The Bulls season looks to start off great. They're mentioned on marquee days for the NBA. Seems like there's gonna be more hype on the young team. Hopefully, they don't crash and burn (especially if they sign TMac).

What skips in this logical gap? Reaganomics was supposed to give the rich tax cuts so they can spend more money to create jobs. Now, under this cycle's effect of the conservative economic policy of the government has come full circle. Especially with the profits increasing and not a lot to show for it, people start to become enlightened by a liberal policy that the rich paying the government to pay for the poor's plight. The working class doesn't suffer after receiving aid from the government. So the tax cuts come to haunt the constituents. The rich get a needless break during a recession, while the rest are still in need. Now when jobs are demanded, the rich do not have any jobs to offer even after receiving large tax cuts. Essentially they have no money to invest in the common people. Instead, they hold on to it and choose a globalized policy which saves money and increases profit. Where is the irony?

Read This

Meh, I'm being an insomniac. Didn't need to rant, but getting to know the "rich's plight" has suddenly become tiresome. That progressive radio talk is quite entertaining. They do the exact same things they criticize about the conservatives. I wonder why they didn't look like the same before? Boring.

I wish I knew what to say...

Taco Bell came out with tacos with onion and cilantro!?! I forget what they're called, but it seems more authentic. Can't wait to try!

If no one's heard this song yet, they should really get out more often.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Take 4

OH NO! T-Mac to the Bulls? I am not for this at all, but it should be interesting. I'd much rather take him than James Johnson. This NBA offseason, however disappoint that LBJ, DWade, and Bosh went to the Heat, wasn't all that bad for the Bulls. Better than getting nobody like years before. (Jalen Rose!!!! not.) Eerily, the Bucks have just done what the Bulls spent 5 or 6 years trying to recover from - bad free agent pick ups. They managed to sign Gooden, Salmons, and Maggette all within weeks! Now, people might think them teamed up with Jennings, Bogut, CDR, Redd, and the rest of the gang that they have added good pieces. I think not. Gooden 8 years 8 teams. Salmons good after he's traded, but played terribly with the Bulls when Gordon left. Maggette is the biggest ball hog ever who seemed to polarize his teammates with his selfish play. I applaud Milwaukee because now the Bulls have less competition to win the Central.

Thank you Mother Nature for taking a piss on the Chicagoland area in 1 night. I guess it was bound to happen since it was sunny and 90s for several weeks without a drop of rain. 6" at O'Hare and 10" down by Oakbrook.

Inception was by far the best mind fuck I have ever endured. Even before watching movies, I loved to dream knowing that it was never reality, but fantasy. I can't wait for the next adventurous dream. Leo does a great acting job. Cannot forget how pretty Juno looked. Joseph Gordon-Levitt - can't wait for the next G.I. Joe knowing that he can do action scenes. But I really do want people to stop with the "I need a totem" or the train riddle or even just saying "How do you know you're not dreaming?" If people can't differentiate between fantasy and reality, they belong in the psych ward.

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are. Good song, and now the bar for guys just went up.

Let's be clear- I am in no way a communist, fascist, or socialist. I have capitalistic views. I would say I'm more of a centrist. A perfect balance is needed. Now, I'm not looking up facts for this rant and have no grounds to support it except my memory and what I do know are to be facts. So I'm going to pose the question - What if America as well as the rest of the world is going down the road to Marx's communism. How? Well here goes my attempt at a conspiracy theory while being beyond bored.

-300 years of war. Since the inception of the US started from a revolution, it could mark the first year of the war. The US has fought in wars, even without necessarily being directly involved, in almost every decade of the nation's history. The Iraq and Afghan wars have continued with no clear aims of knowing how to end the war. I do think that the US intends to keep these wars going in case any hostile actions arise between us and Iran. It is tactically advantageous for us to be within striking distance of the country we started. Oops, but that's a different story. Now say we do start a world war with them, that would mean it would start about 250 years after the birth of the US. It is likely that the citizens of the US would be very unhappy that a war could have even started and try to overthrow the government. (The Roman Republic failed as well due to similar reasons and the Roman Empire began.) Let's say citizens do revolt, it would mean a revolution. (Thank you, France for your revolutionary ways.) Down the road it would take years to stabilize a new government controlling the people. Now based on the past and the greedy ways of corporations, a possible new form of government could be some idealistic "communist" government treating all people fairly with the destruction of social classes, which would be the truest form of communism to date. (North Korea, Cuba, and China do not count as communist. They're socialists.) I guess Karl Marx had some kind of crazy vision. There is a 99% chance that this will never happen, but this is what happens when you get bored on a Sunday afternoon.

Now that my Mexican food craze is coming to an end, it is only fitting that I continue with ethnic food. I tried Indian food the other day and it is AMAZING!!!!! more to post later

time to go bowling!


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Take 3

I guess I'm blogging only once a week - every Thursday around noon.

I'm listening to Curren$y - Breakfast (In & Out). Man, I'm digging the jazzy background with some rap. Today's rap is evolving by by blending with different genres. Lil Wayne's rock album? (Haha Rebirth was so bad..) All these new songs with a techno/trance beat? (Flo Rida especially! Club Can't Handle Me!!) Now jazz? Don't get me wrong, these songs aren't bad. Just taking note.

The BP leak is dragging. Another leak in another attempt to cap the well? WTF! Let's get this shit over with. Almost 3 months now.. I know it isn't an easy fix, but 3 months? My guess is that there's only one worker and he's writing ideas down on a piece of paper and drawing the "best" one out of a hat. That or the fact that drilling thousands of feet underwater with tens, maybe hundreds, of thousands of oil gushing out with incredible force just makes it kind of hard to fix, just a little bit.

Got Kid Cudi ft. Rostam Batmanglij & Bethany Cosentino - All Summer stuck in my head. Pretty chill ass song. I could see potheads liking it too, since it is Kid Cudi..

It's been a week since Lebitch owned Cleveland on ESPN. Some have already handed Miami the Larry O'Brien Trophy; others claim the Lakers are still the team to beat. I, for one, do not want to see the 'Bigger 3' getting any rings for the next few years. But, did anyone not watch the finals? Boston did stretch it out and even had a lead throughout Game 7. The Lakers aren't invincible. But then again, it could've been rigged so there was a Game 7 no matter what with the best team winning in the final game regardless of the 82 plus games prior to that game.

Trey Songz ft. Nicki Minaj - Bottoms Up. Damn her voice is so sexy.

The Bulls suddenly got better. Hopefully Orlando doesn't sign Redick's offer sheet. We'd have a stacked rotation. Rose, Redick, Deng, Boozer, and Noah as starters with Taj, James Johnson, Korver, Asik, and whoever else we sign (Brewer? BMiller?) coming off the bench. We just need that top notch defender, including Thib's defensive schemes, which would put us into the top 4 for at least the next few years.

Huey ft. Lil Wayne - Another Planet. Catchy song. I hope it goes on the radio

Either way, next year is going to be a great year of basketball. Can't wait.

Rick Ross ft. Diddy & Trey Songz - No. 1. I think I found a new workout song. Not really a good song, but motivation to keep working out. I'll take it.

FUCK VOTTO! 15 homers against the Cubs so that means 7 homers against everyone else he played. Doesn't that mean he's overrated and just a Cub killer when it comes to homers? Can't wait for Cashner to drill his ass!

Yeah that's pretty much it for today. I'll think of a new title for the blog. Seems kinda stupid haha


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Take 2

Today is finally the day! Lebron-a-thon 9pm ET on ESPN. I think more Americans are going to watch that than the World Cup final on Sunday. Sad that garbage news is more exciting than the biggest game for the biggest sport in the world. Well, it'd probably more exciting if Lebron had made it seem like he wanted to go to Da Bulls. If only those garbage years by Reinsdorf and Krause didn't turn off so many players.. Well plus one for Bulls management for getting Boozer.

Kudos to the Cubs for finally getting a sweep one week before the All Star break. One more sweep and we're right back in it. Hopefully Ramirez can keep it up! (Knock on wood)

Spain vs Netherlands. I'm gonna root for Spain but hope that Netherlands keeps it close. This cup was crazy this year.

In the past, I've never been too political or cared much for politics. Lately, I've been reading more political blogs and independent news outlets. Man, the shit the media tells us really fucks with your head. If you're a Republican, Fox News doesn't tell the truth. If you're a Democrat, CNN or MSNBC forget to tell you the important minor details. Most of it's about money and less about the importance of current events. Otherwise, we'd hear more about underreported amount of oil after the BP leak or how the unemployment bill was put off or even about Noriega getting 7 years for being a terrible dictator. Interesting picture I found online. It's skewed since it says "as low as 15%" which implie it could be around 25% as well, but I guess that's up to the person. To put it in perspective, why should the bourgeoisie who make about 20 times more than the average American pay less taxes than more than 97% of the country? At the same time we have the proletariats struggling to survive this second Great Depression. When the pursuit of happiness denies basic privileges for the working class, capitalism has exceeded its moral boundaries.

Denny's has the best drunk food. The $2-$4-$6-$8 value menu gets you the most bang for the buck. But for people who want to try something new, try the Santa Fe skillet or the Ultimate skillet. Diced potatoes, grilled onions, mushrooms, and peppers, two eggs of your choice, and either chorizo or breakfast sausage depending on which one you choose. Don't forget to add hot sauce!

Big Boi (Follow Us, Hustle Blood, and Tangerine) and Enrique Iglesias (I Like It, Heartbeat, Dirty Dancer, and One Day At A Time) have pretty good songs out. Bring back Outkast!

Rick Ross - Live Fast, Die Young (ft. Kanye West)

If Lebron goes to Miami, all i gotta say to the Heat:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Beginning

For some reason, I felt like starting a blog because I got bored with school and work. Plus one for procrastination! Most of my blogging is going to be about politics, sports, food, and music. Anything else might be short-lived red herrings. And I'd like to remember what I was thinking a couple years back. I have a terrible short term memory, but my long term memory works perfectly fine. Weird.

Senators and Representatives - Members of Congress - A third of the government with the most control of our country. (What happened to the Checks and Balance of the executive and judicial branches?) 'Public servants' has become an archaic word to describe our lovely, corrupt politicians. Democrats and Republicans both have become entrenched in politics. Democrats seem to appear as pussies. Republicans are the voice of the corporates. Lobbyists are the CEOs of America in disguise. American politics are a joke. The media and government are run by money.

Lebronomania!!! Finally July 1st! I think every sports fan- bandwagon or fanatic- are impatiently waiting for the free agent class to sign with their team. I'm hoping the Bulls get anybody, or we're going to become the Knicks or Pistons of the 90's. When are the Cubs going to turn this losing streak around? They were one of the best teams on paper before the season started. Overrated. The Bears seem like they can turn it around, but they carry more question marks than a Q&A session.

Recently, I've become addicted to Mexican foods. That restaurant tastes pretty damn good.

Listening to the radio has become that nagging girlfriend that most guys can't escape. They repeat songs over and over again for months at a time. I'm pretty sure there's more than 30 songs out there. I can't help but rip on songs that become trendy. B.o.B is definitely one of my favorite rappers, but 'Airplanes' and 'Nothing On You' have been out for almost a year now. Can radio stations stop playing them and start playing his mixtapes? There's great music hidden from the general public. But of course, most Americans are too lazy to even look for music before they even realize what they listen to most of the time are just what labels want them to hear.

I don't know if anyone's going to read this, but I don't really care and prefer that it doesn't become big.

Song of the day: John Legend & The Roots - Our Generation